5/2/2006 08:30 PM Logfile from Dogs. Brand stops poking at Storygames and turns his attention here. "So, I'm a space case! Who had their initiation conflicts set, and who was still working?" Sister Hannah says, " I think Mo and I were still working...." Sister Clementine says, "I was still working, although I think I've got it narrowed down..." Sister Abigail says, "I'm a space case too, thanks to dinner-eating. But I'm set with my conflict whenever we're ready to go." Sister Clementine says, "How does 'I hope to distinguish myself' sound?" Sister Chase was just going to dig it up. Sister Clementine says, "Because she really does want to do a good job at it." Sister Hannah says, "nice!" Sister Clementine says, "But if she fails, we can give her something like 'Humility', which is good, too." Brother Brand nods, "Sounds cool. Anything specific you'd like her to distinguish herself at? I mean the goal is fine, but I have to frame the scene, and the more help you can give me, the more I can give you what you want to get your HARDCORE on." As long as we're on the topic of hardcore, KJ would like to request some extra HARDCORE tonight due to her real life sucking monkey butt. Sister Chase says, "Where I left off last, it was: "I hope I can find my faith by being a Dog." Brother Brand says, "Monkey Butt Escape, check." Sister Abigail cheers. Brother Brand says, "Okay, so what kind of faith? Can you think of some framed scenes where you'd be able to test that, Chase?" Sister Chase hrms. Brother Brand says, "Abby, what was your thing again?" Brother Brand says, "I hope I don't learn to shoot?" Sister Abigail says, "I hope I unobtrusively avoid learning to shoot. The unobtrusive is important." Brother Brand nods, "Right." Sister Chase says, "I hope I can pretend to be a convincing Dog?" Brother Brand says, "Mo: Like, "I hope I feel comfort from prayer" or "I hope I learn to value my authority for what it can do for others" or something like that... That works too!" Sister Chase says, "No, that's not right." Brother Brand says, "Cause fake it till you make it... It's part of Mormonism actually." Sister Hannah snorts. Brother Brand says, "Not that blase-ly stated, but... if you don't have faith you act as though you do (to yourself, inwardly) until you feel faith." Sister Chase says, "I hope I can fake the faith?" Brother Brand says, "I hope I can convince others I have faith. Or, I hope that I can convince others I have a true calling to be a Dog." Sister Abigail says, "What about: I hope no one finds out about my inner doubts?" Brother Brand nods, "That's it." Sister Hannah says, "How about: "I hope others think I'm faithful?" Brother Brand says, "Something on those lines."" Sister Chase hmms. Sister Clementine says, "And if we do find out, we all point and laugh." Sister Abigail says, "Or, for a slightly different tack: I hope I preach a convincing sermon. that gets at faking faith too . . ." Sister Chase says, "I hope they don't find out I'm a fake." Brother Brand says, "That could work." Brother Brand has ideas for a scene based on that. Brother Brand says, "Hannah, what about you?" Sister Hannah says, "I'm having a tough time with this" Sister Abigail says, "Well, you were talking about how she's been an outcast for a while. What about something like, "I hope I made a friend" or "I hope I made someone look up to me?"" Brother Brand says, "I like "I hope someone will look up to me."" Sister Hannah hms Sister Hannah says, "yeah, I think I like that, too" Sister Hannah says, "and I guess the status quo if she fails." Brother Brand says, "Depends on how she fails. You get to decide on that." Sister Hannah says, "fair enough" Brother Brand says, "Okay, so we're starting to get into shape. Who wants to go first?" Brother Brand says, "Okay, Clementine, was there anything specific you wanted to stand out at?" Sister Clementine says, "I don't think it matter so much the skill, so much as that it's something proactive." Brother Brand nods, "Right. Hrm. I need something, a hook, a gimmick, something to get the scene going. Any ideas for where I should start?" Sister Hannah says "right-oh!" Sister Hannah says ""what about something that everyone's struggling at that Clementine thinks maybe she can be really good at?" Sister Abigail says "She's got the whole animals thing going on, IIRC. If you wanted to play to her strengths you could do something with riding or horses. (Introduce her awesome horse!!!!) Or else you could do something that she might not be expected to do well at, like theology . . . where no one else is a standout" Sister Chase says, "How about standing out because she's not standing out?" Sister Chase says "Being withdrawn, holding back." Sister Clementine says ""I’m sorry... I am thinking, just not yet come up with anything..." Sister Chase says, "No problem" Sister Abigail says "Being patient?" Brother Brand says "Wait, what if we change it from "I stand out at something" to, "I learn to stand up, and stand out"" Sister Hannah says "Or she could be good at something that requires patience" Sister Abigail does the neener neener dance. Brother Brand says "Or something similar -- so the point isn't "what thing you do" as it is "that I learn that I can do so."" Brother Brand says "Or maybe that's what you were saying all along, and I was to dense to get it." Sister Clementine says "That definitely works for me." Brother Brand says "Okay, at this point I direct everyone's attention to the conflict machine: l conflict" Brother Brand sets the stakes to "Does Sister Clementine learn to stand up and stand out". Sister Abigail says "Woo pretty!" Brother Brand says "And if you look again, you will see it keeps our stakes for us." ---------------------------------- Conflict ---------------------------------- The stakes are: Does Sister Clementine learn to stand up and stand out ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ roll = - spend - gain - fallout ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sister Hannah says ""how do I look at that?" Brother Brand says "I will now roll my dice into the conflict, and do a pose. After that, Clementine will decide what she is doing, and roll her dice." Dogs: Brother Brand rolls 4d6=Generic GM opposition dice: Dogs: Brother Brand rolls 4d6 for "Generic GM opposition dice" and gets 1, 1, 5, and 5. Dogs: Brother Brand rolls 4d10=Generic GM opposition dice #2: Dogs: Brother Brand rolls 4d10 for "Generic GM opposition dice #2" and gets 2, 4, 8, and 9. Brother Brand hehhehehehhehehehehs. Brother Brand loves 9s. Brother Brand says "Okay, I shall set scene, just give me one second." The first days at Temple are nice. A little dull even. You meet your instructors one at a time. Sister Mary is pleasant. Brother Zebidiah is like the older brother you always wanted. Elder Mason is stern but loving. They lead you, guide you, walk beside, and help you find the way. You like them, and life is easy. Until survival training starts. The training itself is hard, but you could survive. The reason for the harshness of the training has a name: Brother Kishkumen, a mountain folk convert. He does not love you, he does not like you. He seems like he wants you to fail, and it starts coming to a head on the third day out. Three days of riding in the cold, the snow, the rain, the mud without fire, without sleep, without food. And now in the middle of the campground he is yelling at the assembled Dogs-to-be, cursing you and blaspheming the name of the King of Life. He goes through the first two Dogs in line, cursing their mothers and brothers, their families and beliefs. And then he comes and stands, fuming and full of fury, in front of Clementine. Brother Brand says "Now, Clementine gets to decide if she wants to start out talking, physical, fighting, or shooting him in the face." Sister Clementine says "Talking, definitely." Sister Chase notes that Brand loves to say "Shoot him in the face." Brother Brand says "Okay, roll your acuity+heart by typing: roll xd6=Acuity+Heart" Dogs: Sister Clementine rolls 7d6 for "Acuity+Heart" and gets 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, and 6. Brother Brand says "Okay, I have best pair (my two highest dice are best) so I will take the first active pose. I am fighting to make you not stand up and not stand out. You are fighting to stand up and stand out. We should both pose with that in mind. Okay?" Sister Clementine says "Okay." Brother Kishkumen is a hard older man, his face ragged with windburn and rugged with years of hard sun. The crow’s-feet at the corner of his eyes have turned into dried riverbeds that make him look like he's wearing a fierce and demonic mask, and the eyes behind it are green-gold and burning. Coming right up to Clementine and leaning down into her face he says, words soft and burning, "And you, Sister Nothing, you I cannot even curse. You do nothing worth speaking of, for good or for bad." And with that he goes to leave, dismissing her with out so much as a curse. Dogs: Brother Brand spends 5 5 for a total of 10. Brother Brand says "There, my raise is a 10. You can now take a blow, see, or give." Brother Brand says "You can also roll in traits if you want to, to go with things you do in your narration." Sister Clementine says "Okay, so I can spend 5 6 now and roll later if I want to?" Brother Brand nods, "you can do it in which order you like. In face to face it can be picky, but online I go with what is easier, because online is slower and more cumbersome so the need to be picky goes away." Sister Hannah says "why a 5 and 6, and not 4 and 6" Sister Clementine says "Er, because I wasn't thinking, probably. Anyway, typing..." Brother Brand says "And the rest of you, don't be silent! Comment, give ideas, talk crap about my NPCs, etc, etc." Sister Chase says "He's a right bastard." Brother Brand says "Oh, and to spend your dice, type: Spend xdice ydice" Sister Hannah says "You better not be like him!" Brother Brand says "So, spend 4 6" Brother Brand is. He's mean. Sister Abigail says "Here's something I'm curious about: are the other PCs here? I don't particularly want to be active in the scene, but it would be really neat to think about how Abigail would react to this kind of stuff, and it would be awesome to start building a shared past this early in the game." Brother Brand says "Up to you ladies." Sister Clementine sucks her breath in a little, waits until he's almost turned away, then looks up. "Brother Kishkumen, I understand that you are hard only because you love us and want us to survive this hard land. Do you love me so little, then, to be so soft with me? Sister Abigail says "ROCK!!!!" Sister Chase says "Rock on!" Sister Abigail says "Rock Clem, not you, Brand. :) Though I am BOTH a guy and a lady." Dogs: Sister Clementine spends 4 6 for a total of 10. Sister Chase says, "Go Clem!" Brother Brand laughs! "Excellent! Oh, he'll be on the ropes! Okay -- now you need to do your raise. You can, if you want, use that as both see and raise, or you can follow it up with another pose for your raise." Down the line in the sweltering sun, Sister chase smirks a crooked grin and looks sidelong down at the girl and her unexpected sass. Brother Brand says "So I guess at least one other Dog is here." Sister Clementine says "I'll want to raise with more than nine, right? Sorry... it's been a while and I'm a little rusty on the rules." Brother Brand says "You can raise with whatever you want now. However, if you raise with less than 9 I can reverse the blow on you." Dogs: Sister Clementine spends 5 4 1 for a total of 10 and gains 3 Fallout dice. Sister Hannah says "also, I'd like to run a few scenes between towns, 'cause I imagine a lot will be going on then. And we're not like men to ride for hours with nary a word, we're going to *talk*!" Brother Brand oopses. "Um, you can only raise with 2 dice. If you do more than that it thinks you're taking a blow." Brother Brand says "My bad." Sister Abigail says "I agree, I want to be here, even if part of me just want to hear the stories they're going to tell about this one. :) And yes, absolutely, definitely scenes between towns." Brother Brand says "Just remember you have an extra 1 to spend later." Sister Clementine says "That's okay, I don't mind." Brother Brand says "So, do you want another pose, or do you want to use your last pose as both see and raise?" Sister Clementine says "I think that it should be both, if that works." Brother Brand says "It does. So now I must see." Brother Brand hrms, "No time like the present to be a bastard...." Brother Brand spends 9 for a total of 9. Brother Brand says "Now my pose for my see... typing." Wet and miserable, Sister Hannah stands further down the line, waiting for her turn to be set into. That stops Brother Kishkumen for a second, his hard eyes blinking as he works out what the girl just did. Then, with a shrug, he continues on down the line. Not even bothering to look at the girl as he leaves her standing in the rain. Brother Brand says "And now my raise, I'll use the 9 from above plus this..." Dogs: Brother Brand spends 4 for a total of 4. Sister Abigail says "Dear god, that was just the see? You ARE a bastard." Brother Brand says "For a raise of 13" Brother Brand says "Which I will now pose... " That is when Brother Joshua loses his cool. He didn't mind when Brother Kishkumen yelled at him and called his mother a toad-sucking whore, he stood there and took it. But now all the things his daddy told him about defending girls are in his head, and he steps up between Clementine and Brother Kishkumen and yells, "You old bastard, don't you dare turn your back like that!" In so doing he, despite all his best intentions, puts his shadow right over Clementine and takes her out of the line of sight of the other Dogs, Brother Kishkumen, and himself. So she's just standing there in the shadow of two yelling men. Sister Chase cackles. Sister Abigail says "Double rock." Brother Brand says "Okay, now it's Clementine's see -- for which she's going to need to roll in some traits even to take the blow." Brother Brand says "Or she can give, or she can escalate." Brother Brand is always in favor of shooting someone, btw. Sister Clementine says "I'm so not shooting anyone." Brother Brand damns! Dogs: Sister Clementine rolls 2d8=Centered: 2 2 Dogs: Sister Clementine rolls 2d8 for "Centered" and gets 1 and 5. Sister Chase should let you all in on the secret, that self mutilation earns extra points with Brand. Sister Clementine says "fuck." Sister Hannah raises eybrows, "oh really? Sister Chase says "Sorry to pause, but Brand's delivery is here. He'll be right back." Sister Clementine says "That's okay. It'll give me time to figure out where I want the scars." Sister Chase says "He says you can roll in more traits if you can pose them, or you can escalate to physical, which doesn't mean violence, just demanding physical space is escalating to physical/." Sister Chase says "You also don't have to pose immediately, either. You could wait until the end of their fight, or you can come back at him the next day or something." Sister Clementine says "Actually, yeah, I would like to step in between them. Physical it is." Sister Chase says ""So you roll in your Body then." Dogs: Sister Clementine rolls 3d6=Body: 1 5 5 Dogs: Sister Clementine rolls 3d6 for "Body" and gets 1, 2, and 5. Sister Clementine says "Okay, so he's got, what? 13?" Sister Hannah says "yeah, I believe so" Dogs: Sister Clementine spends 5 5 3 for a total of 13. Sister Clementine squares her shoulders and steps between Brother Joshua and Brother Kishkumen, deliberately turning her back to her instructor. She reaches up and places a calming hand on Joshua's shoulder. "Brother Joshua, I am not insulted; why should you be? I am here to learn the ways of the Dogs, and Brother Kishkumen is instructing me in my place here, nothing more." Dogs: Sister Clementine takes 3d4 Fallout dice. Brother Brand cools. Now its your turn to raise. Sister Clementine says "Would it be appropriate to roll my 1d6 of 'Trusting'?" Brother Brand says "That is up to you. To be honest about my GM style, I rarely worry about making players justify their actions to me. If you find it justified for your own character, and the other players, then I will almost certainly not have a problem with it." Sister Clementine says "Cool." Dogs: Sister Clementine rolls 1d6 for "Trusting" and gets 1. Sister Chase ows! Sister Clementine says "Well, then." Sister Hannah says "ouch!" Sister Clementine says "So, what are my options at this point?" Brother Brand says "You can raise or give. Your raise will probably get reversed, though -- as I've an 8 sitting there. But after that I start running out of dice fast, as I cannot escalate in this challenge." Sister Clementine says "Okay. I'll raise, I guess." Dogs: Sister Clementine spends 2 2 for a total of 4. Sister Clementine looks into Brother Joshua's eyes, trying to ascertain if he interrupted on her behalf because of who she is as a person or simply because she is weak and defenseless. Slowly she turns to Brother Kishkumen and bows her head in apology. "I am sorry to have disrupted your lesson so much, Brother. I do hope you will consider it my disruption and not Brother Joshua's." Dogs: Brother Brand spends 8 for a total of 8. Brother Kishkumen flicks his eyes away from Brother Joshua, dismissing him without a thought. He turns his face full onto Clementine for a moment, regarding her for a very long time while the rain pours down. His anger seems to abate slightly, and when he talks again he just sounds tired. "You can't even find your own voice when you stand up can you? You just say what you know people want you to say." Slowly the old head shakes, "That's just sad." Dogs: Brand spends 8 2 for a total of 10. That'll be block and raise in one pose -- the 8 reverses the blow, and then adds the 2 for my raise, for a total of 10. Your see Clementine. Sister Clementine says "Ouch! I think I'm going to give in at this point. He's got me more or less dead to rights." Sister Hannah says "Unless you escalate" Brand says "Or roll in another trait. You could pose a thing later where you get to shine and stand up on your own." Sister Clementine says "Well, I mean narratively as well as dice-ily." Brand says "But if you want to fold because it feels right, that is your authorial right too" Brand nods. Sister Clementine says "Yeah, I think it works. What do the rest of you think?" Sister Abigail says, "Yeah, I think if you fold, this conflict will be coming back to haunt you in neat ways. I would give if it were my story, though I don't know if that's useful to you." Brand nods, "Its a powerful statement to make, for sure." Sister Hannah says, "that's true" Sister Clementine says, "Okay, then. I give." Sister Chase says, "Show us!" Dogs: Brand dropped Fallout List, ending the conflict. Brand says, "You get final pose, Clementine." Brand says, "And in the mean, who wants to go next?" Sister Abigail says, "If you guys don't mind I would LOVE to go. Bad day. :)" Sister Abigail says, "So, Brand, do you want to start setup while Clementine works on her final pose?" Brand nods, "I do. Do you have any ideas for your scene? I mean, it's good and specific, but is there anything you want to see starting off?" Sister Clementine looks stunned. She stammers over an apology and takes her place back in line. When the lesson resumes, she keeps her head down and doesn't talk to anyone. As the lesson progresses, though, she looks less sad and more contemplative. Sister Clementine says, "Sorry I'm kind of slow. I'm finding this medium to be a little bit distracting to my in-character response." Brand nods, "It can be PJ. No doubt about that." Brand says, "And that, btw, was brutal. Apologizing to him made me flinch." Brand says, "BRUTAL" Down the line, Sister Chase has lost interest in the interaction. She's looking far off down the field to the cattails and the strawgrass, where things are actually interesting. Brand says, "BITCH!" Sister Abigail says, "I just want to make sure that being unobtrusive is an option - subtle conflict is sometimes harder than overt conflict. I was thinking that to avoid having to do this, she might volunteer for all kinds of other extra duties. Can you do something with that?" Brand says, "Okay, Clementine, type "dogs fallout" Dogs: Sister Clementine rolls her Fallout of 3d4: 1 2 2, totaling 4. Dogs: Sister Clementine gains an item of Short Term Fallout. Dogs: Sister Clementinegains an item of Fallout Experience. Sister Clementine says, "Well, at least I roll low consistently." Brand says, "Okay, this is what you will do: You need to take a new trait at 1d6 around the things that your character learned/didn't learn. Then you get two other items of fallout -- which you can pick by looking at the fallout list (l fallout list). Be sure to tell us what you take!" Brand says, "Abigail, I can. I will pose a set scene, then we'll roll dice, okay?" Sister Abigail says, "Sounds good to me!" Brand says, "And everyone else, give Clementine some feedback about what you think her fallout should be." Sister Abigail just realized that she suggested we be in the scene, and totally forgot to pose Abigail in. Heh. Brand says, "And with that, I'm typing." Sister Chase says, "Boys fight for me: 1d4." Sister Clementine says, "Ha!" Sister Chase says, "Or: Boys stand up for me when I can't stand up for myself: 1d4." Sister Hannah says, "Or: "I let boys take care of the fighting" Sister Abigail says, "You could take a Relationship with Brother Joshua for your Experience." Sister Chase nods. That's an option too. Sister Hannah says, "ooh! that's good!" Sister Abigail says, "Or 'I back down" at 1d4" Sister Clementine says, "How about 'Other people want to fight my battles for me'?" Brand says, "You should have two traits at 1d6, btw -- for the Initiation and the Experience." Sister Chase says, "That works, Clem." After days of mud and rain and freezing, Brother Kishkumen brings the Dogs-in-training back to temple. After that he's in charge of teaching them to shoot. It's not something that most of the Dogs have a lot of attention for -- all the boys and most of the girls already know how to use a gun. Theology and the hard lessons of social practice are what make them sweat and worry, no matter how mean Brother Kishkumen may be. But his eyes are everywhere, and there is not an ounce of soft in the man, and so it is that day by day he starts to narrow in on those who are not learning, who cannot shoot, and making them wish their mother had never met their father. Sister Abigail says, ". . . oh dear. That would be me." Sister Chase says, "You want others in, Abby?" Sister Abigail says, "Let's see what the setting is - if it's in public, absolutely, but I can imagine it being a more private conflict. Abby is certainly going to try to avoid having to do this in front of other people in character, even if as a player I want you guys there. :)" Sister Chase says, "K, let us know." Brand says, "That'll depend on high dice, Abigail. Are you starting out talking or physical?" Sister Abigail says, "Talking, for sure." Sister Abigail says, "remind me how to roll?" Brand also fixes the fallout list Dogs: Brand resets the current conflict. Dogs: Brand sets the stakes to "Does Abby manage to circumspectly not learn to shoot a gun". Brand says, "Dogs roll (dice)=(reason)" Dogs: Brand rolls 4d6 for "Generic GM dice" and gets 1, 3, 3, and 4. Dogs: Brand rolls 4d10 for "Generic GM dice" and gets 4, 6, 10, and 10. Dogs: Sister Abigail rolls 9d6 for "Acuity+Heart" and gets 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, and 6. Sister Abigail says, "Not liking those 10s . . . yikes!" Sister Chase says, "Brand is." Brand says, "Okay, I've got best pair, so I get first raise. Typing." Sister Chase says, "You should have heard him cackle." Sister Clementine says, "He's a mean man." Sister Abigail says, "I'm actually not sure if I'd rather win or lose this conflict, I just want to not have to give after the first exchange. :)" Sister Hannah whistles at brand's dice The shooting range is a long open field that abuts onto a set of bluffs, where the Dogs take their guns and go out into the wind and rain and conditions of life to learn to shoot. They space well out, and so each Dog has as much or as little room to themselves as they want. Most stay close together, because there is much pressure to stand together, and because it protects from Kishkumen. Not that it's much protection, in the end. Not for Abby at least, when she's been busy avoiding her lessons, and only too late hears the snake soft tread of his boot just behind her. "Sister Abigail," says that soft, deadly voice, "shouldn't you be about something?" Dogs: Brand spends 4 4 for a total of 8. Sister Abigail says, "So . . . now I pose and See you? (Still learning conflict system, it's different to do than to watch . . . .)" Brand nods, "You can pose to see, then spend your dice. Or you can pose a see and a reraise in one pose. Also, you can bring in traits that you pose to help you." Sister Abigail lowers her eyes and flushes. "You're right, Brother Kishkumen. Sister Mary asked me to show the new arrivals where they were sleeping. My mind must have been wandering - forgive me. I'll be about that now." Sister Abigail says, "And I'm rolling 1d6 for telling people what they want to hear - I think he wants me to have screwed up" Sister Hannah says, "ooh nice!" Brand nods, "Roll it." Dogs: Sister Abigail rolls 1d6 for ""I know what people want to hear"" and gets 5. Dogs: Sister Abigail spends 4 5 for a total of 9. Brand says, "Your raise." Sister Abigail begins to gather her things preparatory to hurrying off to her other duties. Dogs: Sister Abigail spends 5 6 for a total of 11. Sister Chase says, "That was good." Sister Abigail says, "Any part of this that's public (like this part) you can assume that you were there to see, by the way. :)" Sister Hannah watches Sister Abigail and thinks about joining her in escaping, if Brother Kishkumen lets her go. Sister Abigail says, "Brand, that was my full raise - she's on her way outta here. If you want she can escape for the moment only to get her ass whupped later, or you can stop her obviously. :)" The old man stands silent there, not saying a word, while Abigail gathers her things and moves off towards Temple. The whole way though, she can feel his eyes upon her back, like a weight tied to her ankles while she's swimming. Sister Hannah scuttles away with Sister Abigail, muttering something about "helping" and "duties". Brand grins, "Nice add Hannah." Sister Hannah says, "thanks :)" For two days afterwards he doesn't talk to Abigail again, until the brightest and sunniest day of the year so far dawns early. He finds Abigail then, as she's walking towards the range, and hands her his own rifle without a word, and leads her up to where a target is set up and ready. Then he just stands there and looks at her. Dogs: Brand spends 10 1 for a total of 11. Dogs: Brand spends 3 3 for a total of 6. Brand says, "That's a 11 for my see and a 6 for my raise" Sister Abigail says, "Cool. :)" Brand says, "And the pose is both see and raise" Brand says, "Also, don't be afraid to pose doing things. If I block and stop it from happening, then I just pose that I stopped it. Same with you folks -- if I pose something and you block it, then you can pose interrupting." Sister Abigail says, "Cool." Brand says, "Clementine, did you figure what you're taking for your fallout?" Sister Clementine says, "I was just doing that." Sister Clementine says, "For the initiation trait, I'd like to take "I long to accomplish a great and noble tasks, but it is my chief duty to accomplish humble tasks as though they were great and noble."1d6 (it's a quote from Hellen Keller)" Brand says, "AWESOME!" Sister Hannah says, "nice :)" Sister Chase says, "That is a great fricken trait." Sister Clementine says, "Thanks!" Sister Clementine says, "As for the fallout... I'm still thinking." Sister Abigail says, "Sorry, quick question: can I roll more than one trait if it comes up?" Brand says, "Yes. You can roll as many as you can dramatically demonstrate." Up in a tree, farther down the plain, Sister Chase, who's seen the confrontation coming, is hid up in middle branches, looking on. She squints against the sunlight and watches the crusty old mountain man face off against the beautiful girl that she keeps finding herself afraid to talk to. Brand giggles. Sister Abigail accepts the rifle, smoothly swinging it up toward the target with a confident air - then stops just before pulling the trigger, lowering the gun again. She turns toward Brother Kishkumen, nodding as if she has just realized something. "You are right, Brother Kishkumen. I am certainly not ready to shoot a rifle, but I will not forget this lesson, and I will work hard to make it up to you." Sister Chase cackles! Brand laughs. Dogs: Sister Abigail rolls 1d8 for ""I once scared off bandits with a rifle" (she looks convincing)" and gets 2. Sister Clementine says, "Awesome." Dogs: Sister Abigail rolls 1d6 for ""I'm good at making people think it was their own idea"" and gets 2. Sister Abigail says, "damn crappy rolls . . . . heh" Sister Hannah says, "wooo-heee!" Brand says, "Abigail is totally the female version of a character I would play. That was awesome." Sister Abigail says, "So let's see you with . . ." Dogs: Sister Abigail spends 5 1 for a total of 6. Sister Abigail hands the rifle back to the crusty old man, her soft white hands making a strange contrast to the harsh oil-smelling metal. "Thank you, Brother. They say you are wise, and now I understand why." Sister Hannah says, "I think I'm jealous that Sister Chase likes Sister Abigail more than Sister Hannah :P" Sister Chase says, "Oh, don't fret, Chase is probably going to look up to you big-time. You're the woman who should have been a mother, she's the girl who's forever motherless. With damage like that, if you wanted Sister Chase to actually like you, it probably wouldn't be hard." Sister Hannah says, "I never thought of it that way...." Sister Abigail says, "Ooh, I like it :)" Sister Hannah says, "we could have a love triangle! poor sister Clementine...." Sister Clementine says, "Poor me. Nobody loves me..." Sister Abigail says, "Except that Abby is Husband Hunting. Like boom. :)" Sister Hannah says, "I know, it's so great!" Sister Abigail says, "I think Abby is going to like you and be a little jealous of you, Clem - is that friendly-yet-complicated enough? :)" Sister Hannah says, "and that's why I want to play between-towns because a lot of this stuff will likely come up then, but not in towns" Dogs: Sister Abigail rolls 1d6 for ""Pretty, soft hands"" and gets 4. Sister Abigail says, "Guess I have to raise with 5 and 4" Dogs: Sister Abigail spends 5 4 for a total of 9. Brand says, "For my See...." The old man takes back the rifle all right, and as Abigail smiles at him he whips out a pistol and shoves it into her, forcing her to take it. He puts the barrel of the rifle up in the air and pulls the trigger fast, fast, fast, making a rattatatat of noise that turns every eye on the field towards him. Then, just loud enough so his words carry through the soft, beautiful air of the day he says, "No more words. Shoot the gun, or go home." Sister Abigail says, "Very much agreed. Maybe if we don't have time for another conflict tonight we can do a little free RP" Brand says, "And my raise...." Dogs: Brand spends 10 6 for a total of 16. Brand says, "10 for a reverse, and add the 6 for my raise." Sister Hannah says, "ouch!" Sister Abigail says, "Oh crap. Now . . . uh . . . I can beat that, but I'd have to acquire six points from somewhere and take a LOT of fallout, right?" Brand says, "Yep." Tilting her head to the side, Sister Chase watches the girl's sly move. Though she's never been so quick on the social maneuvering of those that are talented at being the fairer sex, she breaks into an odd grin after a long moment. But when he pulls the gun and shoves it at her looking as mean as he does, she nearly falls on her head she comes out of the tree so fast. Sister Hannah says, "I think you fail totally in the "circumspectly" department, I'm afraid" Sister Abigail says, "Ok, I'm going to do something and I have NO idea if this is Giving or not." Brand says, "It's giving if you say you give." Brand says, "It's not if you're still trying to win the stakes." Sister Hannah says, "this second conflict took a lot less time than the first, so I guess it depends how late folks want to go...." Sister Abigail flinches and covers her ears - one with her free hand, the other, less adequately, with the one holding the pistol - as the rifle goes off practically next to her head. Tears stand in her eyes, but she rocks her head back and gives Brother Kishkumen a proud look. "You want me to shoot the gun?" she says calmly. "All right." And, imitating Brother Kishkumen's gesture, she holds the gun up in the air and fires six quick shots, emptying the weapon while looking him straight in the eye. Sister Hannah says, "ooh! nice!" Brand says, "Are you giving or taking the blow?" Sister Abigail says, "I'm taking the blow, since I'd like her not to learn how to do this - I'll have to slightly modify my winning trait. And I can escalate to gunplay, right?" Brand says, "Sure." Dogs: Sister Abigail rolls 6d6 for ""Adding will for gunplay"" and gets 1, 2, 2, 3, 5, and 6. Sister Hannah says, "heee I like" Sister Abigail says, "and rolling for staying calm" Brand wishes he had more dice now, so he could have someone get killed by a stray bullet. "But alas, I cannot escalate back." ;) Dogs: Sister Abigail rolls 1d6 for "No matter how chaotic things get, I always stay focused and calm" and gets 5. Sister Abigail says, "I wasn't gonna do that if you had more dice left :)" Sister Abigail says, "So I'll see you with 5, 5, 6 and take the blow" Dogs: Sister Abigail spends 5 5 6 for a total of 16 and gains 3 Fallout dice. Sister Hannah says, "nice!" Brand says, "The dice, btw, will be d6s -- as he was certainly being physical." Sister Abigail says, "absolutely, that's fine" Sister Clementine says, "While he's typing, what do you all think about me taking some sort of relationship to Brother Joshua? And what sort?" Sister Abigail says, "I don't think you have to define what sort of relationship, you can just define that you have one" Sister Hannah says, "I think it's a good idea" Sister Abigail says, "But you could say something like he's your would-be protector" For a long minute Brother Kishkumen watches Abigail's face. He stands there, not moving or speaking, until the echo of the gun's thunder is gone. He stands there until the other students are getting uncomfortable. And then he finally says, "At least you have a Dog's pluck. You'd best think about what you're going to do though, when you have to actually shoot at something." With that he turns his eyes onto the other students, and says, "That goes for all of you. There is more to shooting than being able to hit a target." From that day on, Kishkumen doesn't speak to Abigail again, though he watches her always with a sense of disapproval. Brand says, "There. And I give." Sister Chase finds herself feeling exposed out in the open in the tall plain grass, and doubly foolish for thinking that the girl couldn't take care of herself. In a rustle, like the wind, she turns tail and takes off across the plain. Brand says, "Okay, Abby dogs gain 3d6, then dogs fallout" Dogs: Sister Abigail takes 3d6 Fallout dice. Dogs: Sister Abigail rolls its Fallout of 3d6: 2 4 5, totaling 9. It gains an item of Long Term Fallout. Brand says, "Right then, your 1d6 for not learning to shoot, and one item from the long term list." Brand eyes the time, and hrms. "I don't know if we have time for another conflict tonight. You all, however, could do some freeplay of your characters getting to know each other at Temple, if'n you want." Brand says, "Plus, we should help Abby and Clementine with their fallout." Sister Abigail says, "I think I'm taking "I've never learned to shoot" at 1d6 and "I'd rather be frightened than ashamed" at 1d4. What do you think?" Brand says, "Good call Abby." Sister Chase says, "Good, KJ" Brand says, "Clementine, did you get yours? Or would you like us to brainstorm for your amusement?" Sister Hannah says, "sure, or you can take a relationship with Brother K..." Brand says, "Brother Kishkumen is a bastard" 1d4" Sister Abigail says, "Cool. I'm up for some free play, especially as Chase's falling out of the tree did NOT escape Abby. :)" Sister Chase says, "I got the better of brother K and now he hates me 1d4." Sister Hannah says, "ooh! that would be great!" Sister Abigail says, "OOOOH wow. "I'm that girl who bested Brother Kishkumen in a contest of wills" 1d4. Dogs know about me. What do you guys think?" Sister Chase says, "Cool!" Sister Hannah says, "right on!" Sister Clementine says, "That works." Brand says, "Plus, I think freeplay would be good. I tend to run Dogs very tight -- conflict to conflict -- so some time to really get at the characters in a less stressful situation might be good." Sister Hannah says, "true, and I'm getting really psyched about character interaction and all the possibilities thereof" Brand says, "That's cool too." Sister Abigail says, "Oh, man, can't I take TWO 1d4 traits? I like them both. :)" Brand says, "Nope." Sister Hannah says, "she can shift dice later though, right?" Sister Abigail says, "I know, I know. :)" Brand says, "Wait till she gets an experience and moves it to a d10" Sister Abigail says, "I think I'll have further opportunities to take "I'd rather be frightened than ashamed," so I'll go with the situation-specific one this time." Brand says, "So which two new traits are you taking again? I get lost in all the text." Sister Abigail says, "Particularly as I don't think she's too happy about being known for it - hence the 1d4 :)" Sister Hannah says, "heh" Sister Abigail says, "I never learned to shoot: 1d6", and "I'm that girl who beat Brother Kishkumen in a contest of wills: 1d4" Brand nods, "Excellent." Brand says, "Okay, suggestions for how a freeplay scene could start? Ideas for location?" Sister Hannah says, "Washing dishes?" Sister Abigail says, "We could do an "in the bunkhouse after yet another day of getting our asses kicked" scene." Sister Abigail says, "I wash dishes like no one's ever washed dishes before!" Sister Chase says, "You would." Sister Chase breaks 'em, frequently. Sister Hannah says, "LOL!" Brand says, "Clem, sound doable?" Sister Clementine says "Yep. I wash dishes, um, about as well as anyone else." Brand says, "Okay, so should I pose a brief intro, and then you all take over?" Sister Abigail says, "Sure, go for it Brand!" The day was long, the lessons brutal. You all thought you knew the scriptures, thought you knew how to be tough. But every one of the teachers, even nice old Sister Snow, seemed to want to hurt you today. As Brother Kishkumen told you, "We don't love you, we love the people you're called to serve." Today showed it. Night brings no relief either. After a lovely filling dinner, your block gets called to the kitchen for clean up. There are almost 500 people at Temple for dinner that night, and 5 of you to clean up. There is the long kitchen, the pots of steaming water, and the endless stacks of dishes and bitter, harsh soap made from raw fat and lye. Sister Abigail says, "Five? Who's the fifth? :)" Brand says, "An NPC, if I want to speak up -- which I may not. Some cute but stupid boy dog." Brand says, "He mostly carries things." "Here, don't hold it like that, dry it like this..." Sister Hannah says as she shows Sister Chase how to hold the plate with one end of the towel while drying the plate with the rest of it Sister Abigail is up to her elbows in soapy water, periodically trying to elbow a stray lock of hair out of her face without getting soap in her eyes. Nonetheless, the stack of dirty dishes to her left rapidly diminishes, with shining clean plates coming out the other side, ready for Hannah to dry. Sister Hannah says "If we keep going like this, we'll be done in almost no time at all!" No matter how tough the days go, how harsh the teachers, how heavy the workload, it never seems to bother Sister Chase much. She's a regular workhorse, though she's not particularly careful about any part of it unless she's minding the words of a specific instructor. She seems competent enough most times, but in moments like this, that flies out the window. She looks sidelong at Hannah, slightly overwhelmed by the immediacy of the interaction, slightly exasperated by her instruction. Still, she doesn't argue; she just nods and goes to take the dish, dropping it in a shatter on the floor. Sister Abigail points a soapy finger at Sister Chase, softening her words with a smile. "If we keep on like this, we won't see bed until the morning. Sister, you might be better off with a broom. I think there's one by the door." Flushing a little with embarrassment, Sister Chase manages a nod. "Must be, my hands is tired after all that chopping 'afore dinner." She offers as a lame excuse, and comes back to sweep the shards up. Sister Abigail turns to Hannah, rolling her eyes slightly and giving a tiny, exasperated shrug. Sister Hannah picks up the next plate and wipes it swiftly dry and winks at Abigail. Sister Clementine pokes her head in from the Dining Hall, where she was wiping down tables. "Is everything okay? I thought I heard a crash". Sister Abigail says "No, no, nothing to worry about. Just Sister Chase drying dishes." Sister Abigail grins momentarily. "Admittedly it means fewer plates to wash tomorrow." Sister Hannah says "and thank god for that!" Sister Chase makes a frustrated face at the china and sweeps it into the dustpan, wincing at Sister Abigail's words. "I'm used to dishes made of metal." She ducks her eyes and goes to fit the broom back in the cupboard. Sister Hannah sighs "it's all right, I'm sure you'll get the hang of it before we're out of here Sister Abigail hands Chase a gleaming double handful of battered metal forks. "Here. Then you might do better with these." Brother Wiley is not wily; he isn't even quite smart as Constantine's horse, but he is a handsome lad, and no doubt about it. He's all blonde and blue and shining teeth. He comes in the door past Sister Clementine carrying another huge tray stacked with dishes high as his cleft chin. "Here you go, Sister Abigail" he says, putting them down next to her and smiling at Abby like there wasn't another sister in the room. He then sits there fretting with the edge of his untucked shirt for a moment, smiling like an idiot. Sister Hannah giggles at Sister Abigail. Sister Chase nods at Hannah "Either that, or we'll run out of dishes altogether." She gives a grateful, awkward smile at Abigail and takes the cutlery, and she's making quick, and safe work of them when Brother Wiley breaks the room for her. She gives his back an even glance, and goes to fit the utensils in the drawer. Sister Abigail swipes at the unruly lock with the back of her hand again, leaving a streak of bubbles clinging to her forehead. "Thank you, Brother. Perhaps you could see if Sister Clementine needs any more help bringing things in from the dining room?" She smiles sweetly. Brother Wiley grins even bigger at Abigail, sending out enough light with the smile to fill the whole room. He bubbles, "Yes, sister, of course!" He then bounds to the door, and stops there, looking at one girl after the other and trying to remember which Sister Clementine is. Sister Chase happily points Sister Clementine out to Brother Wiley to facilitate his exit. Sister Hannah turns to Sister Abigail after he leaves and says "well, where did that come from?" Sister Abigail shrugs and smiles. "I think he's a nice young man. Eager, certainly." Sister Chase folds linens. Can't hurt linens. Sister Hannah shrugs Sister Abigail says, "Dammit, my brain is refusing to come up with gossip. I need to gossip." Sister Hannah says, "comment somehow about falling out of trees?" Sister Chase says, "attraction between other dogs, teachers making students cry, failing tests, Dogs abandoning the temple." Sister Abigail says, "Thanks :)" Brother Wiley looks at Sister Chase's finger and follows it up to Clementine's face. He goes over to her and, with a look over his shoulder to see if Abigail is watching says, "Sister Clementine, why don't you let me finish out there? You can stay in here with the women and talk about women's... um... stuff." Sister Clementine gives him a winsome smile. "Oh, sure. Thanks Brother Wiley!" Sister Hannah says "well, you certainly held up against Brother K--! I'm not sure I could have done that." Sister Abigail leans over toward Hannah and quietly adds, "I heard his older brother just took his second wife. A good family." Sister Hannah says "you don't say!" Sister Abigail ignores Hannah's comment about Brother Kishkumen, deftly changing the topic. "Of course, I wouldn't want to be in his shoes tomorrow. I heard he lost his copy of the Book of Life - and hasn't even realized it yet. Sister Hepzibah found it in the garden." Brother Wiley nods to Clementine and says, towards her but to Abigail, "It's not a problem at all. I'm strong enough to work all night... my family has two farms, lots of livestock, so many that sometimes we almost can't take care of them all." Having thus established his credentials in his version of subtlety, he goes out to actually do the work, passing by Clementine with a small nod and then yet another look back at Abby. Sister Hannah rolls her eyes The moment Brother Wiley leaves the room, Abigail almost drops a plate herself, overcome with an attack of the giggles. Sister Clementine says "He sure seems sweet on you, Sister Abigail." Sister Chase sighs, and slides the pile of half folded linens down the table towards Clementine. She opts to heave the pig slops buckets out to the back door. She swings the heavy pails as if they weighed nothing, and without pausing for breath, hefts the heavy bag of flour over her shoulder and back into the pantry. Sister Abigail says "It's just that . . . well . . . oh dear . . . livestock." Brand says, "He can go all night for the livestock." Sister Chase says, "That sounds all wrong." Sister Abigail says "A girl does like to be courted a little." Sister Hannah laughs and says to Clementine "Well, surely she's used to that sort of thing by now, what with her smile and the bubbles in the hair! Sister Clementine says "I'll have to remember the bubbles thing. It does seem to work." Sister Abigail says "It's not as though you have to try too hard, Clementine, with Joshua practically following you everywhere you go." Sister Hannah says "oh-ho!" Sister Abigail says "I think it's sweet. And I'm sure he doesn't think you find livestock romantic." Sister Hannah says "no, I'm sure he'll find other ways of showing her how well endowed he is!" Sister Abigail tries to look shocked, but can't quite manage not to smile. Sister Hannah says, "btw, are we all cool with spontaneously creating NPC's?" Sister Abigail says, "I am, I hadn't even considered that we might not be :)" Brand says, "Go for it." Sister Chase blinks, as she picks up the bushel of apples, and looks up at Abigail. "Bubbles?" the look says, and then catches on. She shifts the apples to the other hip and takes them down the stair to the root cellar. Sister Abigail calls after Chase, "Don't forget to wipe your feet when you come back up, or we'll just have to mop again." Sister Chase says "Sure thing!" Sister Clementine blushes a bit at the mention of Brother Joshua and attends to folding napkins. Sister Clementine says, "KJ, you are wicked!" Sister Abigail says, "I try. :)" Sister Abigail says "Be nice, Hannah. Joshua's a fine, upstanding young man, even if he is a bit hot-headed." Sister Hannah laughs! Sister Abigail says "I'm sure he has no inappropriate plans on Clementine's virtue, or they wouldn't have brought him here in the first place." Sister Hannah says " point." she picks up another plate "are these ever going to end? It never took this long to clean up after feats days at home" Sister Abigail says "It'll be done when it's done. That's what my mother always used to say to me." Sister Clementine says "I'm sure Brother Joshua's feelings are of a more protective nature, Sisters. Trouble is, I already have an older brother. Two, in fact." Sister Abigail says "I'm sure you're right, Clementine," in a tone which makes it very clear that she isn't by any means sure of it. Sister Abigail says "Of course, it's not as though he's another Brother Ransom. I heard he had to leave before his training was done for, well, doing a bit more than courting." Sister Hannah says "no!" Sister Abigail says "Well, they didn't give an explanation, but I heard that Sister Rebecca won't be teaching theology to the young initiates any more, and I'm sure you can put two and two together." Sister Abigail says "Shameful, really." Sister Hannah says "Goodness!" Sister Chase tucks the apples away in their dark corner aside the carrots, the potatoes and the onions, and breathes in the deep cool earth smell of time and quiet. Not in such a hurry to get on up to the conversation that she doesn't know how to fit in to. So, on the stairs she pauses for a long moment, leaning her strong back against the cold stone wall and listening to the words that roll out of the kitchen like flooding mop water, trickling down, unheeded, unminding. Sister Clementine gasps. It's clear that she would never have put two and two together in quite that order. Sister Hannah says, "lol!" Sister Abigail says "I don't see why he couldn't simply have waited until he'd done a year or two of his service, then come back and married her decently." Sister Hannah says "men!" Sister Abigail says "I'd certainly wait a year or two, for a match as good as Brother Ransom." Sister Abigail smiles at Hannah. "Amen!" Sister Hannah splashes water at Sister Abigail Brand says, "Next time we'll get Chase and Hannah's initiations done and head to the first town."