5/9/2006 08:18 PM Logfile from Foundry. There are some folks who are a little too good to be quite real. The dust and the crap of the world just doesn't seem to stick to their boots. Of all the folks like that you've ever met Brother Cyrus may well be the most angelic. He's so damn good lookin' that it isn't just the female dogs in training who watch him. He's so damn good with a gun that even Brother Kishkumen can never find fault in him. He never seems to get mad, never seems to be at a loss. That he's only 16 and already in Temple, called by the Ancients themselves, only makes the aura that much more radiant. So it surprises no one when towards the end of training he's paired with Sister Hannah for the final, grueling two week examinations and dedications. After all, who better to put with the boy that can do anything than the girl that half the other girls whisper about? From the first moment he's with her, Cyrus is kind and open. He's friendly and smiling even when shouted at, and he is always willing to fetch, to carry, to comb your hair or do whatever thing you ask of him. Whenever someone else tries to cut you down, he's there too, like a strong right hand. Then one night he proves his lack of perfection when he asks, point blank in the unabashed way of someone who’s had little pain in his life, "Sister Hannah, why did you come to Temple? You don't always seem like you enjoy being a Dog." Sister Hannah puts down her mending, sighs, and looks up at brother Cyrus from the chair she's sitting in by the window "It's a lot of work, Brother Cyrus, but I do enjoy being a dog. I enjoy helping people and learning from The Book of Life. I came to Temple because it was my duty to my family. They wished for me to come learn more about the scriptures and how to teach people to live their lives according to God's will. It is my duty to serve God and God's people. Cyrus nods throughout the words Hannah speaks, patiently rolling up the excess thread and yarn from her mending, wrapping them round and round his strong young hands to make a ball. "I can understand that." He pauses a long moment, and says, "Sister Hannah, I know you do not like me much. I know I'm too young for you, and haven't seen half of what you have seen. But I want you to know that I love you like my sister. I love that you stand up to your pain and never let it show. I love that you... that you let me be around even though I drive you mad as a drunk old miner." Sister Hannah looks Brother Cyrus in the eyes, once more putting her mending in her lap. She gently takes the wool away from him and finishes rolling up the last bit, focusing all her attention on that task. Then she finally speaks "Brother Cyrus, how could you love me? I cannot do what women are supposed to do: raise a family and care for the household. Perhaps I could be someone's second wife, if the first allows it, but I will never have my own family. You, you do everything so well and can have your pick of any of the women, especially since you're a dog. Go spend your time with someone who can fully appreciate all you have to offer, rather than someone who can never be whole. And before you ask, yes, I'm jealous! Now go away and leave me alone!" She picks up her mending basket, turns away from him, and stands up to go put her things away. For a long moment Brother Cyrus just sits there blinking like he'd been struck by lightning. Finally he says, "But..." and then his face tightens up slowly and he nods. "Right then, Sister. I'll ask the Elders to give you a new partner. You won't be seeing me any more." Flushed with shame and just barely able to choke back the tears he practically runs out of the room. Outside, Sister Abigail raises one eyebrow as a tearful Brother Cyrus rushes past her. "I wonder what-" she says to Sister Clementine as he passes them, then notices Hannah in the window of the hut. "Oh. Never mind." In the women's dormitory that night, muffled tears could be heard coming from Sister Hannah, but there was no one to comfort her...." ------------ There are Dogs that come to Bridal Falls that are so deep in the Faith that they're baptized from the moment they wake till the moment they sleep at night. There are Dogs that come in ambition for of the glory of God that awaits them. There are those that come from a deep and abiding love to make a better life for themselves and their families. Then there's Sister Chase. She is exacting and methodically devoted to every undertaking she's given, the aim of her gun has been flawless. Her willingness to get hurt, to take orders, to work her fingers to the bone... they're all unquestioned, even by Brother Kishkumen, the hardest ass of Hard Assville. The astute among the gathered teachers and Dogs to be might say that she's -too- devoted. It's not in the name of the King, nor her community, and she's got no family to speak of. So what is it that drives her unwavering devotion to duty? One thing is for sure: Chase ain't telling. In fact, she's not saying much of anything to anyone; she's too busy holding her breath. Brother Kishkumen sort of kind of comes to like Chase. He knows that silence, the Mountain Boy who became a Dog, and he watches but does not press. Even the hardest men have their limits. The other Dogs-in-training either love Chase, because she does their work for hem, or hate her because it seems to come so easy. Even Dogs to be have limits to what they can see. But Sister Asenath is kind, and Sister Asenath is loving, and Sister Asenath was a Dog for 20 years and has the kind of faith that makes even Brother Kishkumen tremble when she speaks testimony. And it is Sister Asenath who finds Chase one night alone, while she is scrubbing the floors of the chapel and sits down on the pew and smiles and says, "Sister Chase, do you mean to hide from me, or from the King himself?" in the softest, most motherly voice Chase has ever heard. At the other end of the chapel, Abigail carefully oils the polished wood of the lectern. Only someone who knew her well could tell that her head had cocked slightly, listening to the encounter at the other end of the room. Sister Hannah is praying beneath a stained glass window of the Tree of Life sheltering believers from the storm. She goes unnoticed by the others. Fingers rubbed raw and red and chafed grip the bristle brush in her hands and though the perceptive can see the swallow that overtakes her throat at the sound of that voice, her hands never pause. Her long black hair is tied into a shank off the back of her neck, and loose strands are half wild and half glued to her damp forehead. She looks up as she scrubs the floor and blinks at the elder Dog in earnest. "No Ma'am, Sister Asenath. I'm sure not hiding from anyone. I thought I'd just get a head start on tomorrow's chores. I'm not late for lights down, am I?" Sister Abigail pauses for a moment to stretch her aching back and rest her arms. If she hadn't spent the afternoon helping Sister Bountiful in the laundry, she'd be in bed by now. On the other hand, if she were in bed now, she wouldn't be hearing this . . . . Sister Abigail takes a step back to admire the now-shining lectern, then turns to start on the choir stand. She dips her rag neatly in the bowl of oil and starts, methodically, from the top. When her eyes meet Sister Asenath's and she sees the concern that lies within them, she knows that trouble has come to her at last. Her eyes shift off to the left for a moment, and she draws back on her haunches like a rabbit that smells a fox. "Sister. I've been... I've been meaning to ask you a question, if you don't mind." She drags the back of her hand across her forehead and smiles as open as she can manage - which is none too far. "How is it that you show the world so well how the King works in you? I spent so much time alone in my life that sometimes I don't know how to say the things I should, and it -looks- like I don't belong here." The old Dog sits back into the pew, letting her coat spread out around her like a halo of orange and red. She watches Chase for a long, long time, with a look in her eyes like she's reliving something out of her own past. Chase and Abigail can both almost see the ghosts moving behind her eyes, the old pains revisited as she ponders the hard working woman on her knees. With a soft sigh she finally says, "Chase, you can't show people you belong here unless you do. The King works through us, he doesn't come to our tune like a rat to a piper. Don't you see that yet, girl?" Rag in hand, Sister Abigail has given up any pretense of choir-stand-cleaning. She's curious just how the wild girl will handle this - and whether Sister Asenath's fabled patience will hold out. This is it. It's the moment she's been so sure would come since she showed up at Temple. She looks now like she looked then, plaintive, desperate, and filled with a hot, searing humiliation. The pleading request she wants to make falls apart before it's even out of her mouth; it breaks into stuttering little syllables that belie how little she has to say in defense. In this moment, she can feel the terrible meaty hands of the old butcher back in Fallow Field that's claimed her for his second bride. Her face grows pale, and she scrambles up to her feet, backing away from the holy woman as if she might get burned by her judgment. In so doing, she trips backwards over the bucket and spills her own shame all over the floor of the Chapel for the King of Life to examine. Sister Hannah turns around at the sudden noise to watch what's going on. Sister Abigail looks from the wet, soapy Dog who's just landed at her feet to Sister Asenath, then back again with an exasperated sigh. "Here," she says, extending a hand to Chase to help her up. Looking back to Asenath, she says, "Perhaps Sister Chase could use some help learning to express her faith with fewer . . . pratfalls. I have an hour after theology lessons which is free. If it would be of some use, I would be glad to help Sister Chase understand her place here." She ineffectually brushes at the drops of water clinging to her skirts, and adds with a smile, "If nothing else, it'll be easier on my wardrobe." Sister Chase looks from Abby's face to her hand, and then back to her face, and nearly comes to tears in the moment of charity. Blinking them back she takes Abby's soft hand, and at it's touch, finds her spine again. She stands, mostly of her own volition, and holds on to her hand just a moment longer than perhaps she should. When she lets go, she realizes that this life as a Dog must, absolutely, be protected with every ounce of her courage. She turns to face Sister Asenath with her chin up, face flushed, voice restored.... Sister Chase says "Sister Asenath, the King of Life doesn't follow my pipe or anyone else's, and he works in ways that I don't pretend to understand. But I came here, and the Ancients prayed, and he welcomed me in to the Temple. I'll be a Dog my whole life just trying to figure out what it is he's got in store from me. With the help of great hearts," She look sidelong at Abby for just a second, hardly able to look at her full on, "and with His grace? I'll find my voice, my way." Slowly those old, haunted eyes move between Abby and Chase, then back. And just as slowly the Dog says, "You may find your voice, but will it be the voice of the King, or the voice of something else?" Sister Chase says "Ain't nothing in this world happens that he don't know about, Sister. He doesn't make his decisions like a fool. I'm here, and there must be something to that. So I'll keep listening, and eventually, he'll get around to telling my why. But it's not for you to tell me, neither." Sister Chase squares off her shoulders and looks the older woman level in the eye, her brow and jaw setting like the law. Sister Abigail looks shocked at Sister Chase's defiance, putting a soft hand on the other woman's sun-browned arm. "Sister Chase, please. There's a place for every one of us here, and Sister Asenath's is to teach us." She bobs her head apologetically at Asenath. "And I certainly will be most careful to do the will of the King, Sister Asenath." Sister Asenath watches Chase for a long, long time while the other girls look on. Finally she nods and stands up, "Well then, Sister Chase, I think you'll do well. You sure did stop hiding mighty quick." She smiles at Abigail, "Don't apologize for her, its about time she grew out of her shell." Back to Chase go her eyes and she says, "I'll leave you in Abigail's hands then. I'm sure you'll do well there." Sister Chase 's stance melts down at the touch before she nods, and finally drops her eyes down. "Thank you, Sister Asenath." and nods, thoughtfully and quite sincerely. "Much obliged." After Sister Asenath has left, quietly, shyly she does turn to Abigail. "And thank you too, Sister, that was mighty kind of you." Sister Hannah gets up and leaves the church, looking back once at Sisters Chase and Abigail, amazed that they had beaten Sister Asenath. Sister Abigail shakes her head, smiling. "It's my duty, Sister - and the least I could do. If nothing else, I've been itching to put you in some decent clothes since the day you arrived, and now I finally get the chance. I'm looking forward to this!" Sister Chase winces softly at Abigail's words, but resolutely puts a smile on her face. -------------------- For perhaps the first time since her arrival at Bridal Falls, Sister Abigail looks nervous. She can't seem to stop fidgeting with the left sleeve of her beautiful, embroidered red coat, and she's chewing on her lower lip. "It's important, you know," she says to Sister Chase. "The Dogs you're partnered with can affect, well, everything! I don't see how you're not worried. I'm worried." She shakes her head. "Imagine two years with Brother Wiley." Sister Abigail says "I think I'd know the names of all his father's cows by the end. First AND last." Sister Clementine says "Oh, Sister Abigail, he's just being nice. I know I'd be proud to be grouped with any of you." Brother Wiley hears his name and peeks up hopefully, but then when he realizes it isn't the Elders that called him he puts his face back down and returns to his prayers, "Oh King who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, please let me ride with Sister Abigail who is the most perfect woman you've ever made...." Sister Chase smiles quite brightly, and watches Abby with a certain amount of fascination. "Aw... Wiley ain't no thing to worry about. You'd have him cowed in a blink if you needed to. He's so struck with you, he'd fetch your water from way out east." Sister Abigail says "Well, of course, Clementine - I'd be glad to ride with you. You seem a nice, sensible girl from what I know of you. But Wiley! He'd manage to talk my ear off from across half a continent." Sister Abigail smiles with just a touch of vanity. "Fetch my water from out East indeed." Sister Chase says "On foot. In December." Sister Abigail giggles. Sister Chase says "He's just like a big old hound dog." Sister Abigail giggles more. "Oh dear. And those big eyes of his. Sister Hannah mutters a fast prayer that the others near her can hear: "King of Life, grant me strength to do what I must and help me be humble." Then she squares her shoulders within her plain, humble coat and walks across the room toward Brother Cyrus. When she gets to him she bows her head and says: "Brother Cyrus, please forgive me. What I said was not kind. I was rude, and mean. I was hurt so I said things I shouldn't. I'm sorry, Brother Cyrus. Please, forgive me." And she stands there waiting, head bowed, waiting for Brother Cyrus to reply. Sister Abigail pokes Clementine in the ribs. "Look - Hannah's speaking to Cyrus. You know, I never heard what it was between the two of them, but we might very well all find out right now." Sister Abigail smiles at Chase. "He's a bit young to have proposed, but I can't think what else would make the golden boy run like that." Sister Clementine says "Sister Abigail, I do wish you'd stop tempting me so with your gossip." But she does sneak a peak at Hannah and Cyrus." Brother Wiley keeps on praying, "And please don't let that beastly Sister Chase ride with us, for she is an ornery she devil..." When Sister Hannah first comes to Brother Cyrus he flinches. When she starts to speak he stands up from the chair he'd been settled into with such grace, and steps around behind it to put the heavy wooden body between himself and Hannah. But as she speaks his beautiful face softens, and he smiles. It's a thin smile, and wan. He swallows deep and then replies, "Thank you Sister. But the fault was mine. I... I am young, and was foolish. You never need fear that I will bother you like that again. You or any woman. I've learned the name of my sin, and I will fight it all my days." Sister Abigail shakes her head and smiles. "Hannah's my friend, Clementine. Shouldn't I look out for her?" Sister Chase follows the other girl's gaze across the room to see Hannah. She doesn't know her so well, but feels like she ought to. Every night for the last two weeks she's been listening to her not sleep in the darkness; listening to both the sobs and the prayers. There's something hurting in Chase's stomach about it, like the time she killed her that starling when she was going on 7, its feathers black and slick and twisted under the bloody rock. Sister Clementine says "Well, yes, but there's a difference between looking out and listening in, Sister Abigail." Sister Chase says "He asked her to marry him?" and nods, slowly, as if the crying made sense in light of the proposal. Sister Abigail flushes. "Of course you're right, Sister. Thank you." In a tone more biting than the remark strictly called for, Sister Abigail answers, "No, Chase, that's only gossip." Sister Chase blinks. "Oh. Then why is she so sad?" Sister Abigail says "That's none of our business, Sister. Hannah may be our friend, but we shouldn't poke our noses into her affairs." Sister Hannah says "No Brother, the sin was mine in not accepting the friendship and companionship you offered. I'm not used to that. Brother Cyrus, you did everything right and in my stupidity and jealousy I pushed you away." She is quiet for a moment. "I've missed you." Sister Abigail has more than a hint of acid venom in her tone. Sister Chase nods, and drops her eyes down. "Ayuh... 'course. Ain't nobody's business but the King's." Sister Hannah can hear the women talking about her but she stands her ground Sister Abigail smiles at Chase, her irritation forgotten. "Well, I'm sure the King will see things set right, one way or another." Sister Chase brightens at the woman's smile, and lets herself look back up and over to the puzzle of Hannah and Cyrus. Sister Abigail goes back to busily chewing her lip and trying to figure the odds of who's going to be paired with whom. She doesn't seem to like the answer she comes up with, and starts counting on her fingers quietly. Brother Cyrus, perfect and beautiful, bites his bottom lip. Its the first time most of those gathered in the room have seen the boy show uncertainty, seen his quintessential faith shaken, and it makes Brother Joshua, seated nearby, look mildly alarmed. Finally Cyrus says, voice very low, almost trembling, "I.. sister... how can you miss me? I am... not good..." He is cut off by the loud, sudden as a shot voice of Brother Kishkumen, "Brother Cyrus, Brother Wiley, to the Ancient's for assignment." When Cyrus hesitates a second, Kishkumen snaps at him, "Now boy! You may be a Dog tomorrow, but tonight I'll still turn you black and blue if you keep the Ancient waiting." Forcing a last smile, full of regret, Cyrus nods to Hannah like a benediction and goes to receive his assignment. Wiley, for his part, bounds to his feet and rushes off with only three separate looks back at Abby. Sister Abigail answers Wiley's looks with smiles, then lets her face sink into an expression of relief. Sister Chase gives Wiley an ornery she devil glaring scowl as he takes his third look back. Sister Hannah follows Brother Cyrus. "You are good. You are good that's why I couldn't believe it was true that you would want to spend time with broken little me." She gestures at her humble coat. "I was sent here because nowhere else would have me. If you won't forgive me, at least take my blessing that you are indeed a good man and a kind man. I don't want my actions to change that. You will be a good friend to many, Cyrus, and I'm sorry that I ruined the chance to be one of them. Sister Abigail raises her eyebrows. "Broken little me?" She shakes her head. "She could have at least done this in private." Sister Abigail says "It's undignified." Sister Abigail says "Half the people here would have no trouble with Sister Hannah if she weren't constantly reminding them that they should." Sister Abigail looks disapproving. Sister Chase blinks and forgets, for the first time today to pay any attention to Sister Abigail. That ache in her gut is back, because behind Hannah's voice she hears the flapping of the broken wing of the starling. She takes a step forward impotently. She's unsure what the situation calls for, but knows only, and all too intimately, the deep dark well that Hannah's voice comes out of. Right under the eye of Kishkumen, Brother Cyrus stops and turns to face Sister Hannah. He smiles at her, with no hesitation this time, and says, "I forgive you. I never held anything against you Sister." Kishkumen starts to bark something at the boy, but when Cyrus turns his eyes onto the older man, Brother Kishkumen goes silent, then Cyrus continues to speak. "Maybe we'll see each other on the road some day, and maybe we can start over. Praise be to the King." And with that, he turns and is gone. Sister Clementine says quietly, "Some things are more important than mere dignity." Sister Abigail sniffs. "If Sister Hannah truly wanted to apologize to Brother Cyrus, she had plenty of opportunities before tonight. I don't see why she had to make a show of herself." Sister Hannah looks like a burden has been taken from her shoulders. She turns to Brother Kishkumen and bobs her head. "I'm sorry for disrupting things." And she turns and rejoins the other women, keeping her head down humbly. Sister Chase is halfway to Hannah when she comes back to the room. She looks right at her full in the face, really not the right or polite thing to do in the moment, but Chase, oblivious, wants to do something. Make it better somehow. But when Hannah is there, right there, she can't find words to make it better, has nothing to offer. Sister Hannah bobs her head to Sister Chase, lowering her eyes. "I'm sorry for disrupting things." she says quietly as she walks past. Sister Chase shakes her head. "You didn't. Wern't nothing for us, don't give it a thought." Sister Abigail raises her chin and looks calmly at Hannah - the first look she's given the girl since her arrival that's been less than friendly. Sister Hannah says "I'm sorry for disturbing your enjoyment of this day, Sister Abigail." Sister Abigail raises one eyebrow. "No, Sister, of course not. I'm certain we all enjoyed hearing what you had to say." Her tone is cool and even - not unfriendly except in its stark contrast to Abigail's usual warmth. Sister Hannah hugs her arms around herself and stands quietly looking at the floor. When Sister Hannah looks hang-dog, Abigail noticeably warms. She leans forward, giving Hannah a gentle pat on the shoulder. "Don't worry, Sister," she says in a voice with some of its usual warmth returned to it. "I'm sure everything will work out for the best." Sister Chase looks between Abby and Hannah, at a real loss, rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet, finally relaxing when Abby comforts Hannah in the way she doesn't know how to do. Meanwhile, there are four male Dogs in the room, Brother Joshua and several smaller boys who've mostly been unimpressive in class. The three are gathered together, huddled almost as if needing protection from the girls. Joshua, on the other hand, watches Clementine with a steady, friendly regard. Sister Clementine is concentrating on Sisters Hannah, Chase and Abigail, but occasionally sneaks a look at Brother Joshua to see if he's still watching. Oh he's still watching. And every time Clementine looks his smile gets wider and warmer. Like the sun over a meadow in high summer. And then Kishkumen is barking again, "Sisters Chase, Abigail, Clementine, and Hannah, report to the office of the Ancient at once!" Sister Chase reels about. Sister Clementine gulps and turns around. Sister Chase says "It's us four?" Sister Abigail takes Hannah's elbow. "Come, Sister," moving the two of them toward the Ancient's office before Kishkumen can bark at them again. Sister Abigail is chewing her lip again, though. Sister Hannah walks along beside Sister Abigail, head up, eyes forward, looking around to see if Sisters Clementine and Chase are following Sister Clementine trails after, keeping the other Sisters between herself and Kishkumen. Sister Chase grins and looks sidelong at Sister Abigail. She hits (lightly!) Abigail on the shoulder. "And you were worried you wouldn't have good folk to ride with!" Sister Abigail glances at Chase over her shoulder and smiles, but doesn't speak with Kishkumen watching them all like an old, wrinkled hawk. Sister Chase smiles at Hannah and follows along, feeling that now that they'll ride together, that maybe she'll find a way to tell Hannah that she's sorry she's hurting so bad. As you four pass Brother Kishkumen and pass up into the hall he coughs behind you to get your attention. When heads turn he says, "Welcome to the Order, Dogs. May the King watch over you, and may Hell tremble from knowin' you four are coming." Sister Chase whoots! Sister Hannah is the only one close enough to see tears of . . . anger? frustration? hurt? standing in the corner of Abigail's eyes - but Abby keeps her chin up and her eyes front and a smile plastered on her face as they head out for their first ride.