Blather. With a capital B.
I've never been disenchanted with Canada Trust. Not in the six years I've been with them. I'd hated CIBC, I'd hated Bank of Montreal, I'd hated Royal. And then, on Tim's suggestion, I hooked up with Canada Trust and it was like my banking could breathe again. I have been consistantly astounded at the courtesy, politeness and I'llgowayoutofmywaytopleaseyou-ness of the CSR's on EasyLine. I find EasyWeb insanely useful. And without ever realizing it, without even questioning it, I trusted a corporation wholeheartedly. And once more...
That corporation was a bank.
And so, when I went to my first Cirrus Plus Citibank ABM in Brazil (after caling EasyLine and Mastercard to ensure everything would work fine down here and being assured it would) and it didn't recognize my card, I didn't panic. When I called and they suggested I go to the Cirrus Plus Brazilian bank, Itàu, and that didn't work, I didn't fret too much.
Krista, the fabulous woman on EasyLine, was mortified at my predicament and had me issued a new card, keeping the old one open (which is generally against the rules). She arranged to have my Branch courrier the new card to me in Brazil. I stayed entirely cool... cause I held the trust in Canada Trust. I took down the number of the branch, just in case anything went wrong.
I'm in customer service - in the fix it business, and I've always sworn that one bad repair situation can ruin a decade of good CS to a customer. Today I am proof. I called to change the address they would be sending it to me (as I no longer have any faith that I'll stay in one place for more than a week at a time). And the *manager* of Customer Service - a manager of absolutely astounding CSR reps - talked to me. Told me yeah, they would courier it to me, at a service charge of a hundred bucks. I didn't blink an eye. I'm completely willing to pay to ensure that everything's copasetic with the way I get my money down here.
Then this charming woman told me that I was probably wasting my money as the card would probably be demagnetized by the time it came. She said I should just cash advance on my MasterCard. I explained once, twice, three times, that I didn't have a PIN number for the card, I didn't speak Portuguese and I worked 12 hours a day - which include all of the hours the bank is open. She told me the bank couldn't help me. She was rude, she was in no way compassionate. She told me it would take two weeks for my demagnatized $100.00 service charge card to arrive.
I was non-plussed, but I figured one bad apple, and all that...
So I took an hour off this afternoon and I went to a bank that solicits MasterCards - I had been assured by the be-atch that any bank that offers credit with MasterCard is required to allow cash advances. She neglected to stipulate that providing cash advances by ABM's count. After 45 minutes of straining, exhausting broken talking Portuguese charades, I found out that I can not get a cash advance from a live teller down here.
So pretty much - I'm screwed.
Sorry nothing's very Brazillian about this post, but it's certainly an Expatriate thing. I haven't felt this far away and impotent since I left home.
Oh... don't worry.
I'll sleep and feel better in the morning.